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Welcome Message from Principal Charity Barton

Welcome to Davis Elementary School where we are small but MIGHTY! Davis has less than 300 students, making our school feel like family. We specialize in academics and we have been a 'Georgia Distinguished Title I Reward School' four times in the last decade. Our staff earns Reward School status by meeting the individual needs of students through our exemplary Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program. Celebrations are key when your staff and students excel, so we have a Positive Behavior Incentive System (PBIS) to recognize good behavior. We appreciate the rich tradition of excellence in the Davis Community and work diligently each day to make Davis a special place for our Yellow Jackets. 

What's Going On...

Davis RTI Meetings
all day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School
all day
Davis Informational Writing Benchmark
all day
Davis Reading / Math Night "In My Elementary Era'
Davis PTO Snack Sale
Davis School Council Meeting

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