S O A R Program
At Davis, our Yellow Jackets are taught to S.O.A.R. Teachers lead this mission through teaching positive behaviors and reinforcing them with praise and incentives. We have S.O.A.R. posters all over the building as a reminder to students of what behaviors are expected in the hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, and more. As part of the program, there are a number of incentives for good behavior. We support behavior throughout the day with S.O.A.R. cards, and monthly DOJO days. After they receive a sticker, they will be qualified for a quarterly reward. For students to earn a quarterly reward, they must meet all criteria of being safe,organized, accountable, and respectful.
To be invited to this event a student must:
1. Earn a S.O.A.R. card during the quarter
2. Have less than 3 unexcused absences including tardies and early check-outs (3 tardies/checkouts=1 absence)
3. Be in good academic standing
4. Have ZERO office referrals
There are four opportunities to earn a quarterly reward each year!
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